willowbank primary school
Willowbank Primary School is lucky to have state-of-the-art learning facilities for our students and families to engage with. All buildings include climate-controlled heating and cooling and sensor lights to ensure that our students learn in the utmost of comfort. Sustainability is a key feature of our school design, which includes solar panels and rain water tanks.
Administration Building
Our Administration Building includes our school reception and specialist learning spaces:
- Library
- Art Studio
- Science Room
- Food Technology
- Big Child Care (our OSHC provider)
Learning Neighbourhoods
Our school consists of two Learning Neighbourhoods, each with 8 classrooms. Each classroom features large sliding doors that can be fully closed, creating a traditional classroom setting or opened to allow for collaborative learning between classes, depending on the learning intention at any given time.
Community Hub
Our Community Hub features:
- Full-sized, competition grade indoor basketball court
- Our Performing Arts Classroom, including an indoor and an outdoor stage
- Toilet and change room facilities
- Uniform Shop
- Canteen
Our grounds consist of a large grassed football/soccer oval, two basketball / netball courts, play equipment, bike shelter and beautifully landscaped passive play areas and walkways.